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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Status Quo, Anarchy & Adventurism or A new Pakistan

What the nation is going to choose?

Ali Taj

Today, our country in deep trouble is facing two major threats which will further deepen miseries of its citizens. First, imposition of dynastic rule in disguise of democracy: The status quo which includes PML (N) and PPP and its allies, has formally launched their heirs as future masters of the country. Mr Bilawal Zardari from camp of Pakistan People’s Party and Miss Maryam Nawaz & Mr Shahbaz Shareef from PML(N) are worth mentioning. The former has been given chairmanship of previously largest party in the country, despite the fact that he has not served even a single day as common worker. Later are so far, among top flag bearers of their parent’s party, but we can easily predict that they are being prepared to give them full charge of PML(N) in near future. If this script worked then both parties will be hostages in the hands of two families for next 5 or 6 decades, so would be the fate 190 millions of Pakistanis. Second is the threat of anarchy which could potentially derail upcoming elections, thus entire democratic process. The protests and long marches for genuine demands are a democratic right of every political party and individual. However, prominent analysts predict that as a result of Tahir ul Qadri and MQM's long march, the country might see anarchy and chaos derailing the election process leading into another adventurism by non political forces.

These factors will maintain status quo intact and bring already tested and failed rulers again and again. It will completely block every path for rise of genuine and competent leadership which can take nation out of the social, economic and political problems in a democratic way. So, if politics of dynasties and anarchy and adventurism is not averted than the very existence of state would be in danger. Keeping these two menaces in consideration and envisioning a bright future for Pakistan, we have only option in form of Imran Khan who is not only providing long term solutions to each issue faced by the country but, he is also providing solutions to fix it.

At first, he believes that change can come to Pakistan only through democratic means and by making Pakistan a true democratic state. Further, he has clearly stated that any party with a claim to make Pakistan truly democratic needs to genuinely follow democratic principles itself. The leadership of political parties needs to be elected by its workers. That is why we find intra-party elections in his party (PTI); a phenomenon in fact for the first time in history of politics of Pakistan. This has brought a paradigm shift in political culture in parties by empowering common worker to be a leader or to choose his or her leader unlike status quo which promotes dynastic rule. Secondly, he has activated Youth of Pakistan who were previously ignored by all mainstream parties and who make major chunk of vote bank. To bring them into political life of nation, he has announced at least 25% tickets for youth in upcoming general elections. It is quite contrary to the status quo parties which have asked Youth to follow their heirs and be their mureeds. Indeed, this revolutionary step of Imran Khan is very tough and challenging but it will bring out true leadership from grass root level breaking the shackles of dynastic politics for ever.

Third, he has reiterated that there is no way out other than elections to pack up the status quo. All other means would be short term and will bring same incompetent, corrupt and failed rulers by making them political martyrs and baling them out of their failures in this tenure. Additionally, he has done his homework as his party policies on terrorism, education, health, energy, governance and youth are out. And, we find education and health of masses to be the top priority sectors of Imran Khan and PTI.

So, it is up to the nation to decide on what it actually wants: same status quo, anarchy and adventurism or a new Pakistan. If it wants a new Pakistan, then it must vote- in Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf in upcoming elections rejecting status quo (PPP, Allies and PMLN) and Adventurism. Particularly, youth has to decide whether it wants to be ‘yes men’ of heirs of status quo or leaders of the nation. If they want to be the leaders then they won’t sell their conscience for the laptops, internships, medallions, festivals and helmets. They aren’t that worthless and instead they are meritorious, capable and competent enough to lead the nation.

Ali Taj is a development professional from Gilgit-Baltistan. He tweets at https://twitter.com/itajjee

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